Today I decided to write a little bit about me, as I promised to a long time ago, and never did.
I’m going to start by telling you the reason why I haven’t blogged lately.
I said before that I’m very optimistic and for the last few weeks I just don’t feel that way.
I was having problems at work and looking for something else, and at my age it is not something that I was planing on doing. I was planning on retiring from my current job, because I was very happy until a few months ago.
I do billing at a local Hospital, and even though my bosses like me a lot, my Director decided to pick on me. (She always has a target, and I guess it was my turn.) The thing is I'm Portuguese
and you just don’t mess with me when it comes to work. I’m very proud and I know I do a good job, so, don’t come and tell me that I’m not doing the best I can just because we’re over worked and can’t follow up on everything.
Anyway, enough talking about that, I went on an interview and I'll start my new job at another Hospital on Monday, June 2nd, and I believe that I’m going to like it after the first couple days
I will be a Happy Camper again.
The money i s better and I know that everything happens for a reason, so I'm looking forward to star.
Now lets talk about my past.
I was born in the Azores, Portugal, moved to Luanda, Angola, Africa when I was 10 years old. My parents decided to go there so my brother, sister and I could have a better chance at life.
(Fish men, Luanda bay)

Angola was a Portuguese Colony and the language spoken there was Portuguese.
I went to school there, got married and Karina was born.

Angola became independent, and we had to leave, when Karina was only 9 months old.
We came to Portugal, the mainland where my husband was from, but I could never adapt because I did not feel welcome or at home, my home was Angola.
Needless to say that I was very happy when I found out that my father had a sister living on USA and my parents decided to come here.
They called for us 5 years later and here we are.
It wasn’t easy at all when we first came.
I was 30 years old and struggled with the English language for a long time, I’m still not perfect, but I know enough to get through and I’m very proud of who I became and what I have accomplished.
I had my son "D" a year before we came to the States.

My kids are 9 years apart but it worked out pretty well because they never had those big fights that siblings do (I know I did) because Karina always looked out for her brother like he was her own kid and until this day they’re the closest siblings I know.The thing that I’m most proud of, in life, is my kids (like every other mother of course).
My Father lives with us since my Mother passed away 8 years ago from cancer.
But this is a whole other story that I’m not going to get into right now.
I have to leave something for another blog, don’t you think?
I hope I didn’t bore you too much and once again thanks for coming to read my blog. I’m enjoying having all of you in my life and if you need anything from this poor soul I’m here for you.
But this is a whole other story that I’m not going to get into right now.
I have to leave something for another blog, don’t you think?
I hope I didn’t bore you too much and once again thanks for coming to read my blog. I’m enjoying having all of you in my life and if you need anything from this poor soul I’m here for you.
(my father and older brother)

Once again, thank for visiting and I'll keep you posted. hopefully more often now.