This week's Fun Monday is being hosted at Pensieve. The assignment is to: please share words that inspire and motivate you--brief or bloviatory, silly or serious, from great world leaders to last night's Comedy Central...from a Hallmark greeting card to your favorite book. Choose one, choose many; let the quotes stand on their own or tell where you first read or heard them and how they affected you. There's a lot of leeway with how this topic can be handled.
I believe that if I have an optimist attitude through life I will be happier, so will the ones around me. This is why I picked OPTIMISM as my inspired word.
There may be days when I get up in the morning and things aren’t the way I had hoped they would be. That’s when I have to tell myself that things will get better. There are times when people disappoint me and let me down, but those are the times that I have to remind myself to trust my own judgments and opinions, to keep my life focused on believing in myself and all the ones that I’m surrounded of. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in my life and it is up to me to accept them. Constantly keep focus in the right direction. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle I will find myself stronger than ever.
Our rewards in life always be in direct ratio to our service. ~ Earl Nightingale
Play while you play, work while you work. One thing each time, this is the way all that you do, whith your might; things done by halves are not done right. ~ Author Unknown
The journey of a thowsand miles begins with one step. ~ Loa Tsze
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama
If there is any kindness I can show, or any good things I can do to any of my fellow being, let me do it now, and not later or nobody shall pass this way again. ~William Penn
Smile when you want to, cry when you need to. Laugh whenever possible! ~ Author Unknown
Make a carrier of humanity, and you will make a greater person of yourself. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
I am me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine. Because I chose it I own everything about me. My body, my filings, my mouth, my voice, all my action, my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.
However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and fill at any given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought and felt turn out to be different from what I expected, I’ll discard what I don’t want, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I am me and I’m ok!…
Now I live you with a joke, this is Fun Monday after all.
Ode To A Mammogram
For year’s years they told me,
"Be careful of your breasts.
Don't ever squeeze or bruise them,
And give them monthly tests."
So I heeded all their warnings
And protected them by law...
Guarded them very carefully,
And always wore a bra.
After 30 years of careful care,
The Doctor found a lump,
He ordered up a Mammogram
To look inside that clump.
"Stand up very close," she said,
as she got my tit in line,
"And tell me when it hurts," she said,
Ah yes!There! Thats just fine."
She stepped upon a pedal...
I could not believe my eyes!
A plastic plate was pressing down...
My Boob was in a vice!!
My skin was stretched'n stretched
From way up by my chin,
And my poor tit was being squashed
To Swedish pancake thin!!
Excruciating pain I felt,
Within its vice-like grip,
A prisoner in this vicious thing,
My poor defenseless tit!
"Take a deep breath," she said to me.
Who does she think she's kidding?
My chest is smashed in her machine,
I can't breathe and woozy I am getting.
"There, that was good," I heard her say
As the room was slowly swaying,
"Now lets get the other one,"
"Lord, have mercy," I was praying.
It squeezed me from the up and down,
It squeezed me from both sides,
I'll bet she's never had this done
to her tender little hide!
If I had no problem when I came in,
I surely have one now...
If there had been a cyst in there,
It would have popped-Ker-Pow!!
This machine was made by man,
Of this I have no doubt...
I'd like to get his balls in there,
For months he'd go "WITHOUT"!!